Well I just remembered that I haven't been on my blog and so I come on and ooops, it has been 4 months since my last post! Yikes.
Now if I actually had lots of people following me that would be a very sad thing indeed. Since there are only a handful of us on here it is safe to say that it's not a big deal. Lol.
I do feel bad though.
The camp and crop I had mentioned in my last post went great. We got lots of scrappin done and even had a fire and some drinks on the saturday evening. Note to self, next time, split some kindling before it is dark!
So now, tomorrow, is the start of my 2 day croptoberfest event. I'm not sure if I have mentioned or not but I am a CM consultant. So my group of scrappy ladies are very much looking forward to this weekend as am I.
I got lots of neat little goodies for them and have some wonderful meals planned. I WILL post some pics if I get the okay from my ladies.
I have 2 pictures that I will post. One is the barn from the Create a critte cartridge that I used on a farm page. I LOVE this cart as it has so many great things to be used on it.
The next one is a page that I did using the new page planner guide from CM which is amazing and so helpful in creating beautiful pages without the stress. Also used on this page is the pumpkin from the Cheerful cart available only through CM. The words down the side are on of the fonts also available on the cart.
You can get your own page planner and CM only carts @ http://www.creativememories.ca/ or http://www.creativememories.com/