This is a display board that I made for a friend of my husband. He has a car that he takes around to car shows and wanted a big board made with all of the specs and additions to what he has done to it. The wording is done in silver vinyl with the tittles done in red vinyl. The board is one of the display boards that you can get at your local Staples. He is going to be putting some Dyno sheets on the left side which is not visible in the photos.
This board took me 12 hours to cut out and weed. It was definitly one of the most time consuming projects I have ever attempted. Because of the silver letters and the black back ground, I couldn't see where I was placing them so the tape guides were useless and the lettering had to be placed free hand. That is why they aren't completly straight. I was having some issues with my transfer tape not sticking very well but am happy with how the project turned out overall.