It has been awhile since I posted due to a small flood in our basement. Everything that was in the wet area was put into my craft room which is still unfinished and being used as half a storage area to begin with. So things are a wee bit cramped in there. Lol
My oldest son is in grade two this year and his class along with the other grade two class are going to the Calgary Zoo for their year end field trip. I asked the teacher if I could make name tags for the kids. I used Create a Critter cartridge from PC and my gypsy to make them. I did 3 layers with the second and third ones being drawn with my black cricut marker not cut. I then switched the marker out for the blade and cut out layer one.
I used the cricut white card stock from the 12x24 black and white paper pack. The kids will colour their name tags how they want and then they will be laminated. Once that is done, we will punch two holes to hang a string through to go around their necks.
What a great idea! LOVE IT!